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Nematode Management Strategies
2024/3/18 14:55:45

Nematode Management Strategies


There are thousands of varieties of nematodes, some beneficial and some harmful. Nematodes have adapted to just about every ecosystem on the planet-they live at high and low elevations, in polar and tropical regions, in fresh water, seawater and on land. In the world of soil-based agriculture, most harmful nematodes fall into the sting, lance or gall types. According to the APS (American Phytopathological Society), nematodes account for an estimated 14% of all worldwide plant losses or nearly $100 billion dollars annually!

Plant-parasitic nematode feeding does not necessarily result in characteristic secondary (aboveground) symptoms. For this reason, nematode problems often go undiagnosed. Typical aboveground symptoms of nematode infections include stunting, yellowing, and wilting. In some situations, nematodes can cause considerable yield losses; however, nematodes can reduce yields without plants showing any noticeable aboveground symptoms.

Here are five effective tactics for controlling nematode populations.

Cultural Controls

Rotating crops is a good way to control nematodes. Crop rotation with non-hosts, options include choosing crop plants or cover crops that are not hosts for the problem nematode, selecting the optimal planting date, planting companion plants, and so on. We recommend rotating with a non-host. For example, grasses are non-hosts to northern root-knot nematodes, so rotating with a grass (such as corn, wheat, etc.) will reduce northern root knot nematode populations. Using cultural tactics requires you to properly identify which plant-parasitic nematodes are present.

Genetic Controls

Plant resistance is often one of the most sustainable control tactics. For example, many tomato varieties have resistance to root-knot nematodes. However, most vegetables do not have resistance against nematodes, and currently, there are no genetically modified varieties available. Some vegetable varieties may better tolerate nematode feeding, but this information is not always readily available.

Biological Controls and Bionematicides

Most nematodes in the soil are beneficial. They typically feed on bacteria, fungi, or small animals including other nematodes. Some methods to increase soil health is crop rotation, reducing tillage, using cover crops, and using compost and manures. In addition, many other organisms are parasites or pathogens of nematodes. Most of these occur naturally in soils, but they often do not sufficiently control plant-parasitic nematodes enough to keep their population densities below damage threshold levels.

Physical Controls

Physical nematode control options include using heat, steam, or water (flooding) to reduce nematode population densities.In glasshouse or poly-house production, growers may use heat or steam to sterilize growing media.

Chemical Controls

Nematicides are compounds that kill nematodes. There are two main types of synthetic nematicides: fumigants and non-fumigants.

A soil fumigant can be used in certain situations to reduce nematode populations before planting. Before using a fumigant, be sure that nematodes or other soil pests are the cause of your problem by having a laboratory test performed or by having an expert examine your plants and soil. Consider alternatives before using a nematicide. Be sure the nematicide is registered for that crop or growing situation. Follow label directions strictly; the improper application is not only illegal but often ineffective and may be hazardous. Fumigants include 1,3-dichloropropene, Metam sodium and Dazomet. Fumigate only as a last resort when other management strategies have not been successful or are not available. Soil fumigants may only be applied by a regulated, commercial applicator.

Non-fumigant nematicides do not volatilize in soil water. They can be applied before, during, or even after planting in some situations. Non-fumigants may be less detrimental to beneficial organisms since some of these compounds are more specifically targeted to nematodes and some are systemic in the plant and thus target mostly nematodes feeding on the plant. It is important to select a nematicide to meet your nematode management needs and economic thresholds.

(Source: Midwest Veg Guide 2023)

King's Nema Off is a highly effective, broad-spectrum non-fumigant organophosphate nematicide from King Quenson, that provides good and stable control of root-knot, root lesion, cyst, and free-living nematodes in a wide range of crops such as potato, tomato, cucumber, carrot, banana, grape, strawberry, and so on.

Benefits of King's Nema Off: 1. Broad-Spectrum Nematodes Control; 2. Contact and Systemic Action; 3. Fast-Acting and Long-Lasting Protection; 4. Stable Activities in Various Soil Conditions; 5. Excellent Compatibility

Field Performance of King's Nema Off

A large number of efficacy trials showed that the control efficacy of King's Nema Off was stable at 85-95%.




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