How to Improve the Market Value of Table Grapes
The value of table grapes in the market depends greatly on their taste and visual appearance. In red and black grapes, uniform color and controlled-level Brix are both essential. Improving the color of table grapes with plant growth regulators is the most economical and efficient method. The color in grape skin is determined by special pigments, these pigments are called anthocyanins, and their quantity and composition are influenced by five factors, including synthesis of anthocyanins, temperature, light conditions, nutrients, tree growth and fruit setting.
How to improve the color development of table grapes? Anthocyanin is the most important factor. Stimulating the biosynthesis of anthocyanins in the berry skin is the key to improve the color of grapes.
Our new product King's S-ABA, contains the natural plant hormone S-ABA (Abscisic Acid). It applies to maturing grapes to accelerate the accumulation of anthocyanin in the berry skin.
King's S-ABA is an optimal and liquid formula with ten years of field testing, and it has high solubility with fewer impurities. Comparing to other powdery formula, King’s S-ABA application does not cause uneven spots on the grapes.
King's S-ABA can effectively promote the absorption of fertilizers (mainly potassium) and fruit ripening, and promote the decreasing reaction of chlorophyll at the proper stage, and accelerate the biosynthesis of anthocyanins. Also, King's S-ABA can accelerate the synthesis of polysaccharides in the crop, increase Brix by 20% and reduce titratable acid content by 50%. At the suggested dosage of 300 - 400 mg/kg, the effect of King’s S-ABA can reach the best. And King's S-ABA improve content and activity of SOD enzyme for better shape and taste of table grapes. Achieve higher returns for growers by getting the grapes to market earlier, and allow a more complete and shortened harvest period and reduced labor costs.
Comparing the effects between Ethephon and King’s S-ABA, Ethephon can enhance the coloring and ripening, but also cause the senescence and softening. However, King's S-ABA can protect grapes from berry-dropping and softening (No soft berry), and maintain the integrity of grape bunches during transportation and sales (Long shelf life).
By using King's S-ABA, it is obvious that there’s no soft berry, and the color development of grapes is more uniform and faster.
Since 2003, King Quenson has been thriving to introduce the latest technologies to agricultural industries and farmers to achieve mutual development and prosperity. With years of dedication and rich experience, King Quenson devotes more than 18 years to crop protection and offers solutions.
If you have a need, you can contact us at any time:
Tel: 86-755-86612760, or 86612793