How to Increase Maize Yield Potential
Maize is one of the world’s major crops, it is the main source of food and agricultural income for farmers.
While the weather is often the most important factor in determining Maize yields, farmers can make several management decisions to help put the crop in optimal conditions and boost yield potential.
Field Improvement
Improve drainage system
Increase water retention
Avoiding soil compaction
Clean up field residue
Variety Selection
Selecting varieties that are suitable for the local environment can greatly increase yield potential.
Crop Rotation
Crop rotation as a method to increase the yield potential of subsequent maize crops, adding a crop to a year's rotation can lead to higher yield potential
Fertilizer Management
Maintaining proper soil fertility and soil pH can reduce the risk of low yields.
Starter fertilizers have been shown to promote early plant growth. And they are recommended at planting time in the following cases:
1. Planting occurs earlier than normal in cooler soils;
2. Planting into reduced tillage systems with high residue cover;
3. Planting is delayed due to lack of available P;
4. Planting into a continuous Maize production system, especially in reduced tillage systems;
5. Nutrients are not applied at adequate rates before planting.
Ensuring that Maize can take up sufficient effective N during peak growth is key to reaching yield potential
Disease Management
Diseases attack Maize at the nutritional growth stage and are more susceptible to affecting yield.
Seedling diseases can reduce stand size and thus reduce the number of plants on the cob. Foliar diseases can reduce photosynthetic capacity, lower the number of grains per spike, and can lead to stem diseases that reduce the number of harvestable spikes.
High-quality seed treatments can help reduce seedling diseases.
To reduce the incidence of foliar fungal diseases, we will need to use fungicides.
Insect Management
Like Maize seedling diseases, seedling pests can reduce stand size and limit the number of plants that produce ears.
Insects feed on growing plants by limiting nutrient uptake by the root system, limiting the movement of resources in the stem, reducing the number of grains per ear by limiting pollination, and reducing the number of seeds after pollination.
Feeding on leaf tissue reduces photosynthetic capacity and decreases yield potential.
Insect feeding on the cob can also affect grain quality.
Weed Management
Weed control is essential to achieve optimal maize yields. The conditions and agricultural inputs necessary for high yield and quality also favor vigorous weed growth. Weeds compete for limited resources such as sunlight, water and nutrients and this is a major cause of reduced Maize yields.
Preventative Control
Preventative weed control refers to any control method that aims to prevent weeds from being established in a cultivated crop, a pasture, or a greenhouse. Examples of preventative weed control would be using certified weed free seed, only transporting hay that is weed free, making sure farm equipment is cleaned before moving from one location to another and screening irrigation water to prevent weed seeds from traveling along irrigation ditches.
Cultural Control
Cultural weed control refers to any technique that involves maintaining field conditions such that weeds are less likely to become established and/or increase in number. Examples of cultural weed control would be crop rotation, avoiding overgrazing of pastures or rangeland, using well-adapted competitive forage species, and maintaining good soil fertility.
Chemical Control
Chemical weed control refers to any technique that involves the application of a chemical (herbicide) to weeds or soil to control the germination or growth of the weed species. In economic terms, chemical control of weeds is a very large industry and there are scores of examples of chemical weed control products.
King’s Angel(Propisochlor + Mesotrione + Atrazine OD)
KING'S ANGELhas a broad spectrum of weed control and provides excellent yield protection in Maize.
One-step Solution
The unique and efficient formulation allows KING'S ANGEL to provide higher-level control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
Fast Effect
KING'S ANGEL combines the power of 3 active ingredients in one formulation so it has excellent contact action.
Propisochlor is an herbicide that is absorbed through the shoots of germinating plants
Mesotrione is used as a selective herbicide that works by inhibiting HPPD, especially in maize.
Atrazine is one of the most widely used herbicides and it is used to prevent pre-emergence broadleaf weeds in crops
Excellent Crop Safety
KING'S ANGEL is safe for all the Maize species at all the growth stages
Long-lasting Protection
The long-lasting residual activity of KING'S ANGEL can help growers manage difficult weeds longer into one season which helps save time and labor
Application Flexibility
KING'S ANGEL is very flexible as far as time of application is concerned.
It gives a high level of control against broadleaf weed from the two-leaf to the four-leaf stage and grassy weed before the three-leaf stage.
The Control Efficacy
After 15 days of using KING’S ANGEL, monocotyledon and dicotyledon weeds were removed and no new weeds grew after 30 days.
Data source: Efficacy test of KING’S ANGEL on weed control in Maize field in 2013
Since 2003, King Quenson has been thriving to introduce the latest technologies to agricultural industries and farmers to achieve mutual development and prosperity. With years of dedication and rich experience, King Quenson devotes more than 18 years to crop protection and offers solutions.
If you have a need, you can contact us at any time:
Tel: 86-755-86612760/86612793