King's Archer: Your Ally in Chewing Pest Control
Chewing damage is perhaps the most widely recognized type of insect injury to plants. Insects with mouthparts consisting of two opposing mandibles, or jaws, cause chewing damage.
Chewing damage can take many forms. Foliage or flowers may simply disappear as they are completely consumed. Other times, a plant may look ragged and, upon inspection, have chewed edges or centers. Sometimes plants are cut at the base and fall over, and sometimes only the upper or lower surfaces of a plant are eaten, leaving a brown, scorched appearance or openings between the veins, called skeletonization.
Chewing damage inside a plant is usually referred to as mining or boring.
Many of the insect orders have chewing mouthparts, including beetles (Coleoptera), caterpillars (Lepidoptera), grasshoppers (Orthoptera), and termites (Isoptera).
(Source: University of Wyoming)
Today, we recommend King's Archer, a Chlorantraniliprole insecticide that effectively controls a wide range of chewing pests (primarily Lepidoptera, but also some Coleoptera, Diptera and Isoptera species) in hundreds of crops.
Features of King's Archer:
1. Broad Spectrum Control
King’s Archer can protect your crops against a broad spectrum of Lepidopteran pests, whitefly nymphs, leaf miner larvae, Colorado potato beetles and others.
2. Strong Larvicidal Activity
King’s Archer has strong larvicidal activity and interference with mating and egg laying. Newly hatched larvae can be infected by uptaken the egg shells stained by droplet at very low dosage. So, it’s always recommended to apply King’s Archer during mating and egg laying for early control of insect populations.
3. Rapid Cessation of Food Uptake
King’s Archer quickly stops larvae eating treated plants, therefore, it protects crops immediately. Thus, insects exhibit rapid cessation of feeding, lethargy, and regurgitation of food, leading to muscle paralysis and ultimately to death.
4. Long-Lasting Protection & Excellent Systemic and Penetration
King’s Archer penetrates into the leaves and other green plant tissues such as stems, then protects the whole leaf. Also, it is hardly affected by UV degradation, and has excellent resistance to leaching on the plant, so King’s Archer provides long-lasting crop protection up to over 20 days.
5. Selective and Safe
The Chlorantraniliprole in King’s Archer only binds to specific receptors in the muscles of the target insects, so King’s Archer is highly safe for human and animals including fish and birds, and protects natural predators and pollinators.
6. Wonderful Tank-Mixing Partner
King’s Archer is a wonderful tank-mixing partner, and can be used with Abamectin, Thiamethoxam, Acetamiprid, Pymetrozine, Lufenuron, Indoxacarb, Chlorfenapyr, Dinotefuran, Emamectin Benzoate, etc to create synergistic effects on insect control. King’s Archer is also compatible with many other products, like fungicides (such as Mancozeb), foliar fertilizers (amino acid, etc.) and PGRs (Brassinolide, etc.).
Trust it, King’s Archer provides you greater flexibility in pests management, delivers high quality produce, meets the demands of food retailers and consumers. It is the guardian of your crops for a harvest worth protecting.
Since 2003, King Quenson has been thriving to introduce the latest technologies to agricultural industries and farmers to achieve mutual development and prosperity. With years of dedication and rich experience, King Quenson devotes more than 20 years to crop protection and offers solutions.
If you have a need, you can contact us at any time:
Tel: 86-755-86612760, 86-755-86612793
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